Fundraising Information
At Candles By Carol we’ve made fundraising for your organization a breeze. Here’s how it works:
Each person participating in the fundraiser will get a double-sided 11 x 17″ fundraiser form similar to the one pictured below (the form you'll receive will not show your profits like the one below). The fundraisers have our 9 of our most popular scents for the current season in our jelly jar candles, scent sprays, oils (for diffusers), and tarts (for scentsy-type warmers). You'll make 50% profit on every product sold* and sell for 2 to 3 weeks. At the end of the fundraiser you'll email us your totals sold and we'll fill your order and have it ready to pickup within 2 to 3 weeks and you'll pay when you pick up the order. To get your organization earning give us a call at 972-772-3758 so we can get you started.
*All organizations must sell at least $1000 in order to be eligible for the full 50% ($500 to us and $500 profit for you) If more than 50 forms are being printed at least two items must be sold per form printed to be eligible for the full 50% profit.
**Tax ID must be provided or you will have to pay sales tax on all items sold.